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What is 'F' Gas?
"F Gases" are chemicals that contain "Florine" within their chemical make up. The Florine within the gases acts as a powerful green house gas.

A gas described ass a green house gas, will have the potential to form a reflective layer in the stratosphere. This reflective layer causes rays from natural sunlight to reflect back to the earth urface rather than pass through the stratosphere. Thus the build up of greenhouse gases, acts like a pane of glass within a green house, causing the area under the glass to warm up.

This temperature rise affects the entire planets eco system, it is in every one's best interest to reduce the release of these harmful gases...

Where are these gases found..?
Corin Dudley Electrical Services Ltd encounter "F Gases" in everyday refrigerants used for air conditioning systems. F gases have also been used as blowing agents for foam insulation and certain cleaning applications.

What can we do to minimise loss..?
Working with air conditioning systems involves the safe reclamation of "F gases" from plant requiring repairs, or redundant plant for scrap. The reclamation of "F gas" is now a mandatory law and the responsible use and actions to minimise loss lies with the operators and owners of plant containing such gases.